Connect to the world’s largest and most comprehensive travel inventory and packed with insights to give travel businesses a boost!

Third party integration

We use the latest trends because you deserve better

APIWScore - United by one single purpose ... you, the customer

Our APIs(Application Programming Interface) and WS(Web Services) provides the gateway to sync with the external third party world. You can connected to other travel agents and feed your travel elements to them (producer)or you can connect with other vendors and suppliers to consume their travel products to serve your customer needs (consumer).

Our Web services protocol has the ability to use RESTful for Lightweight, human readable, easier to build for Point-to-point communication or SOAP Web Services using WSDL for distributed computing. This can a B2C as API consumer such as your own branded mobile app or B2B to supply your products to other distributors or vice-versa.

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, application programming interfaces (APIs) are becoming the digital reflection of an organisation. To differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market, companies need to create digital capabilities for end users as well as API experiences that set themselves apart in the minds of developers and the organisations they support. They also need to manage their APIs as they do other products and services. This requires a commitment to addressing the external API “look and feel” as well as developing an infrastructure that supports the API lifecycle from inception to retirement.

APIWScore is our complete foundation to Create, Run, Manage, and Secure APIs. Do not worry about the jargon, contact us and we will show you how you can unleash the potential of API-WScore. Just ask for demo

TravelCore products and services saves you tons of hard work, it is easy to customize and it comes with hundreds of features.

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